Milan, Italy (Via Maurizio Gonzaga, 7 Milan, Italy 20123)
Milan, Italy (Via Maurizio Gonzaga, 7 Milan, Italy 20123)
Syneos Health Italy S.R.L.
Single member company - Corporate capital of Euro 119.500,00 - Number of registration at the Register of Enterprises of Varese and tax code 12110530156 – R.E.A VA 340557
Registered and administrative office: Via Maurizio Gonzaga 7, 20123 Milan (MI), Italy
Subject to direction and coordination by Syneos Health, Inc. pursuant to art. 2497 and 2497 bis c.c.
PEC: [email protected]
Self-Certified with the Italian Medicine Agency (AIFA) for the following services:
- Clinical Monitoring
- Auditing
- Project Management
- Regulatory and start-up procedures
- Investigator selection
- Medical Management